Valiant-FT Series II
Valiant-FT Series II
Standard Features
- Capable of up to 99.4% Thermal Efficiency and up to 99.2% Combustion Efficiency.
- Available in a broad capacity range, with inputs from 400 to 850 KBtu/h.
- Fully condensing vertical cylindrical counter-flow firetube design heat exchanger, with stainless steel construction and all welded design allowing constant system return temperatures as low as 40F°.
- 10:1 gas input turn-down ratio with sustained combustion characteristics throughout the entire range.
- Category II & IV venting.
- Fully factory fire-tested to obtain optimum combustion characteristics and to establish certified gas input rates.
- Safety and operating devices and controls fully configured, calibrated and factory tested.
- Complies with the energy efficiency requirements of the latest edition of the ASHRAE 90.1 Standard.
- Certified by CSA to the Requirements of ANSI Z21.13, And CSA 4.9.